Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Full of Surprises

If there is one thing that we have learned over the past 13 years since Carson's diagnosis.  It is NEVER UNDER ESTIMATE him.  Just because he can't always say everything that he wants, or he doesn't do things the same way that a typical person does, doesn't mean he doesn't understand or can't do something.

I always go back to the educated professional who was asked how we could get Carson to say the sounds of his letters, and her response to us was, oh he will never learn that.  OH YEAH??  Just look at him now you....who is the dummy now??

No, we have now idea what the future holds for him, but what ever it is it will not be figured out by not trying everything possible to see just what he can do.  Because you just never know unless we try and try more then once.  If you first you don't succeed, try and try again.

Last week, Bill was giving the boys a ride on the go-kart and Bill let Carson try to drive it.  (there is a kill switch on the steering wheel if things didn't go well).  He did pretty well.  I think with more practice and patience from his Dad, he will do great with it.

Sometimes the surprises he gives us are him being sneaky - and yes sometimes the sneakiness makes us upset because he has made a mess or gotten into something or done something he shouldn't have, but there are also times that it make us laugh.  The other day he came down stairs and said "ice cream sandwiches" and pointed to kitchen.  Good thing I went and looked right way because there was 6 ice cream sandwiches lined up on the kitchen counter.  
He has surprised us in the past couple weeks with eating some new things.  I made pepperoni bread the other day, I have made many loaves over the years and he never touched it, but this time a whole loaf disappeared.  Right into his belly.  The next time I made it, he knew what I was making and helped me make his own loaf. Which of course he ate.  :-)  I made twice baked potatoes and went back into the kitchen to find that he had scooped out the potatoes in the middle, put that back on the pan and ate the potato skins.

Yesterday watching him play with water balloons and the hose with Reed and the little boys.  The smiles and giggles were priceless.  There was a time he would have not engaged - but sometimes a light goes off in his head and he decides that it is fun to play with them.

This morning, I fixed the little boys breakfast, and then got picking up things.  Carson came to the top of the steps and said to me "when do I get to eat??"  I know that doesn't seem big to everyone, but to us that is another step forward.  He asked a question that wasn't in his normal line of questioning.

He is always surprising us...and I look forward to many more surprises with him.

Monday, July 3, 2017


I have been having lots of people stop lately picking up orders. If Carson is on the porch, everyone is greeted the same. With his giant smile and a hug. 
I have lost track in the amount of people that say to me how much they love seeing him on the porch. He is always smiling and looks like he is having the best time they say. Carson is on the porch most of the day. Sometimes he is on the back porch, but the front porch is where he is happiest. 
He might be on his ipad out there watching a video or listening to something, but he is outside and he is happy. 
I can still remember the time of his life when he didn't want to be touched unless it was initiated by him and it was generally he wanted squeezed. When he wanted squeezed he would get behind you in the chair or couch and want you to lean back with all your weight pushing on him. Then something clicked in his brain and he figured out hugs made him feel good. And hugs make other people feel good too. 
Hugs are the only thing I can think of the his teacher and I disagreed over.  When he went to high school she said we needed to work with him to not give hugs but to shake hands. Although I totally respected what she was saying, I told her I would never tell him he couldn't give someone a hug. You do that at school and I support you. But at home hugs are ok. We have worked with him and he understands our rules. He has to have his shirt on if he wants to give a hug (sometimes he sneaks hugs when he is shirtless), if he doesn't want a shirt, he shakes their hand. 90-95% of the time if we are out of the house and see someone he will shake hands vs hug. 
I watch him when he greets people, it amazes me how he knows who needs that extra special big hug. It doesn't matter your age, if you come through our gate or door be prepared for a Carson hug if he spies you. Even babies (although they seem to get a kiss on the cheek or head as well). We hear his hugs made someones day, I look forward to it when I come, they are the best, they are epic. 😊
This morning as I was laying in bed thinking I shouldn't be being lazy I need to get busy. He comes and crawls in our bed (his daily routine) and snuggles up. 16 years old and wants snuggles from his Mom. I will take it. 
Our little hug dealer is a ray of sunshine for many. My wish is that he will always be sunshine for all that need it.