Sunday, August 20, 2017

Change is hard

If you know me or been to my house over the years, you know I like to change things around. I like to rearrange the furniture and things.
But when you live with a child with Autism, not everything can change. Carson has never had any problems when I move things around. Even when we change things in his room, he does good with it. But there are some things in his world that you don't change. And man it is tough. 
Going back to school is a change for him, and the past couple years, he doesn't have any issues with going back. I pray Wednesday will be no different.  Back to school means back to packing his lunch. Which means the battle will begin on where he puts his lunchbox after school until the next day. He thinks it needs to be in the middle of the dining room floor. It drives me crazy. I walk by and pick it up, he comes by and puts it back. 
One of Carson's chores is to carry his juice in when we buy it. He loves Hawaiian Punch. Problem is he thinks they need to be lined up by the fridge. Out in the middle of the floor. I have stubbed my toes on them way too many times. 
In an attempt to try to get the juice and lunch box out of the middle of the floor, I cleaned off a space on a cabinet for him to place his lunch box and the juice. This morning, I said to him that it was Carson's shelf. For his juice. I placed one jug on the shelf. He protested and put it back on the floor. Tonight after Carson went into bed, I picked up the juice and put it on the shelf. I know he will protest, but I am hoping that if we continue to work with him and be persistent, we can get him to keep his juice and lunch box on the shelf and not on the floor. 
Here's hoping....

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