Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Sometimes it just hurts

Last week I got the phone call that I feared since Carson’s diagnosis. I got a call from his teacher that kids were laughing at Carson. The environment that he was in when the laughing occured and the fact that the kids that were laughing at him were fellow classmates, made the situation even more disappointing. 
Another student saw what was going on, knew it was wrong, and reported it. The School quickly took action. Calling parents and discussing discipline. 
I really can not explain the wide range of emotions that went through me over the weekend. I was hurt, angry, disappointed, sad, scared and furious to name a few. Why do kids have to do things like this? We know it is everywhere. Everyone needs to understand that your actions have consequences, some positive, some not. THINK before you do or say something. THINK THINK THINK! 
The Mom of one of the boys reached out to me apologizing for the boys behavior. And he came to our house to apologize to my face. Honestly I didn’t know what to say to either of them. I listened to their words and I appreciated them and accepted them. His Mom and Dad are good people and it tore them up like it did us. The fact that they reached out means alot to us. He told me he was wrong and he was sorry. I think he will learn from this. His parents are still our friends. I don’t wish ill will on these boys.  
I got a call from the principal telling me what the  decided punishment would be for the boys was to be spending 1 day a week for the remainder of the school year in the classroom where Carson and other special needs students are in.
I am very pleased with this course of action by the school. I think that it is very important for these boys to be able to see the ups and downs for all these kids. 
To see the struggles they have with doing some of the simplest things, the things that we take for granted. To see the pride and joy in their faces when they accomplish something. To remember that these kids are someone’s brother or sister and to not only think how it would make them feel if someone laughed at their brother or sister for something or to think how it would make them feel if it was them that was getting laughed at. Maybe they will stop and think, wow I am lucky. I could be one of them students,. 
God chooses which kids will be special and which ones will be typical. We don’t understand why, someday we will. But what we must do is open our eyes and our hearts and realize that these kids are humans, they are who they are meant to be. We need to embrace the amazing, hug through the tears, lift up when they are down and to support and love everyone no matter what. 

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