Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Frustrating times

I know I am repeating myself but writing helps me vent. Carson and his “his way” tendencies can be so frustrating.
Examples of things lately...

Get clothes out for him during spirit week. I got him a yellow shirt out forgetting I had tye dyed shirts for throwback day. So I put the yellow shirt back and pit the tye dye one out. Well wouldn’t you know it, he caught me. Thought I was in the clear. But after I walked out of the room, he stormed down the hall, took off the tye dyed one and put the yellow on.  No big deal. Go with the flow let him wear yellow. Not worried about it. I toom the tye dye shirt back and asked Reed if he wanted to wear it. 
Carson went storming up and down the hall, grunting on frustration because he didn’t know where I put the shirt. (Reeds bedroom door was closed) 
Carson spent a good 10 minutes stomping and storming and wouldn’t get his breakfast because I “set” him off.  Not the way I wanted my day to start at all. 
I spent time sorting and stacking change to wrap. $70 worth of change all ready to wrap. Since I had a tooth pulled earlier in the day I left the change on my desk to wrap the next morning. That was a mistake. He didn’t like that. Pushed everything into 1 pile. 
So I sorted and wrapped another day. 
My desk always has papers all over it. Notes, orders, mail, a little of everything. Come out the other morning to them all over the floor. Guess he didn’t like where I had them. Pick up and move on
He has a spot on the kitchen counter that he charges his ipad. And nothing can touch his cords. They must lay in a certain spot. Heaven forbid someone sit something down in his spot. He will shove it go the floor. 
Sort shirts on the table and he doesn’t have his space, shove them all to one end. There goes the organization.
Some days I just want to sit in the corner and cry. Why do things have to be so hard?? 
I work hard at my job to be able to stay home and be there for him. I don’t regret it, he is my priority. Doing my crafts and shirts etc is helping me and is my therapy. That being said there are things that don’t go the way a typical business goes. The organization, the planning can get shot to hell very quicky if Carson decides he doesn’t want his way interrupted. 
So that leads to me forgetting things. Rushing, doing things last minute. Sometimes making mistakes. 
For the most part, my customers are very understanding. But it is frustrating to them and it is to me as well. I want to have a good reputation. I want customers to come back and be very happy. 
After having an extremely frustrating couple days, and then have a customer come pick up their order and tell me it was better then they even hoped, certainly helps the frustrating times. 
Everything is worth it and everything will work out. Even if it doesn’t feel like it and is super frustrating! 

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