Monday, April 1, 2019

15 years

It is hard to believe that it has been 16 years since we go the diagnosis of Autism. 15 years!  Wow!  Time flies - but then again, I am not sure how it is possible that my baby is going to be 18 years old in a couple weeks.  Wasn't he just born??
15 years of ups and downs, highs and lows, tears and laughter, sleepless nights, tantrums and smiles, and hugs... but through it all LOVE.  

There have been so many changes in our lives these past 16 years, - but there has always been one constant, and that is our love for Carson.  I would give anything to have a typical child that doesn't have the struggles that he has, but just like the title of my blog, we have adjusted our sails and every day we work towards giving him the best life we can.  We might have moments of frustration, but we always start and end the day the same way.  With a hug and "I Love You" - 

I hope that my blog this month will shed light on the things that we have done since we got the diagnosis.  Things that we do that might help someone else, let others know they are not alone.  and for me - a way to share our lives. - the good and the bad.

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