Saturday, April 28, 2018


I have said it before - but it is worth sharing again - Carson's hugs are the best! 

There was a time that he didn't want touched, and he didn't give hugs.  Some with Autism are very sensitive to touch, so they don't hug.  There was a time where Carson would just come up to you and barely touch you in an attempt to give a hug -- then one day he started hugging.  And it isn't just any hug -most of the time he will wrap his arms around you and squeeze.  And he wants you to squeeze back. 

Good Morning hugs - When he wakes up every morning - he gives us a hug with a Good Morning - How are you?  Pretty awesome way to start your day if you ask me.

Good night hugs - part of his night time routine is to give Mommy, then Reed, then Daddy a good night hug, and kiss.  And if you are lucky enough to be here at bedtime, you will get one of them as well.

Welcome to my home hugs - If you come to our house, Carson will greet you with a hug.  He likes to say welcome to every person that comes in. Friends, family, customers all get hugs.  Amy, my mail lady,  Mark the UPS driver and the Fed Ex driver even get them and like getting them.  They are a little bummed after summer vacation is over and they don't get them every time they stop. LOL 

Your home hugs - Daddy gets home from work - Reed gets home from school, Mommy comes home from being gone - you get a hug. 

I love you hugs - Carson sees Bill and I give each other a hug, he will come over and get in on the hug for a big group squeeze hug. 

Feel better hugs - when you don't feel good - he knows - and he will come up and hug you.

Out of the blue hugs - the random out of the blue hugs are awesome - just out of no where he come up to you and gives you a hug. 

He is our official hug dealer.  And we love each and every one of them. 

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