Monday, April 8, 2019


Some days things click and you want to jump for joy.

We work and work and work with Carson everyday to get him to ask for things the right way, to get him to do things the right way, and we can do it over and over and over.  Then all of a sudden one day he connects and it works the way it is supposed to.  Not to say we get to stop working on it - but it means the work is worth it - and it is helping.

Carson has several ipads that are "his" and he has a pattern of how he uses them.They all have a place to charge and sit - and what ever you do - don't move them from HIS spot. When he goes through his devices, he thinks that he should be able to use ours, like Bill's or my phones or ipads.  Even though he could have a fully charged device he thinks he needs ours.  And he would be a stinker about it - he would wait till you walked away or looked away, run and grab it and take off.  The past several times that he has wanted one he will stand in front of us, usually with his arms crossed - and when you ask, "what do you want or need" - "Can I use your phone, please?" - How can you say no to that??  He asked the right way - he used his words. No he doesn't need ours - but if he is happy - just let it be. 

A couple weeks ago, Carson had the stomach bug.  Since he doesn't tell us what hurts or if he is feeling better, we just have to watch him and work at it.  After the vomiting stopped, we just kinda waited a little bit before we let him have food, or drinks to make sure he could keep it down. That evening,  Bill was back folding laundry and Carson came back and sat down at the edge of the bed with his arms crossed.  Bill asked him what he needed.  He looked right at him and said "I want supper" :-)

He might not get things fast - or the typical way - but he does understand things. He does get it!  He is one smart cookie - but when he does "get it" - it is Huge milestone in our house. 

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