Monday, April 9, 2018

Plot Twist

A friend shared a video with me the other day where the woman talked about when things don’t go the way you planned, its ok. Its a plot twist. 
Well let me just tell ya, that term couldn’t be more perfect for a home with Autism. That is one thing we have learned many, many times over the years. Things don’t go as planned, there are plot twists.  We just have to do our best and accept the new plot. 
I had every intention of posting every day for the month of April in honor of Autism Awareness, but due to getting sick I haven’t been able to do that. Its ok tho, I just had a plot twist. 
When Carson was born he was a healthy little boy growing like a bad weed, and as first time parents we thought he was doing everything he was supposed to. He had several ear infections and we thought he was delayed a little because of them. But plot twist, he has Autism. 
So many plot twists over the past 14 years. Some hard to swallow, but we just rewrite the script called life to what works for him and us and see where what the next chapter brings. 

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