Sunday, April 1, 2018


Hearing the words, your son has Autism, is hard to descibe. As hard as it was to hear, the best and only thing we could do was do everything we possibly could for Carson.  When I hear of parents that deny what a doctor or professional says just because they don’t want their child to be labeled or admit that there is something is wrong with their child it infuriates me. The child is the one that suffers and gets hurt. When you become a parent the first thing you do is love your child unconditionally and do anything and everything for them. Before you! At least that’s what we do.
We did lots of research, we had meetings, we talked to people. We did lots of trial and error. We still do. We are still learning. 
Yes, we hated hearing our child had Autism. We wanted him to have a normal, happy life. Do we have a normal life? No! Do we have a happy life? YES!! We have struggles, we have good days, we have milestones, we have bad days. We just take the good with the bad. We celebrate our boy and how amazing and unique he is and love him unconditionally! 

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