Saturday, April 21, 2018


As I type trying to hold back tears - meltdowns are awful.  I am so glad that they do not happen very often - but when they do - it is exhausting and emotional on everyone. 

Carson has 3 ipads (an old one that he won't part with), his new one and one that was supposed to go to Reed, but Carson took over.  Reed never complained.  But he had recently asked to have it back, but didn't want to upset Carson.  Reed wants to be able to download books to read.  We had an upgrade available, so we used it and Bill got a new one, and Reed could have Bill's old one. 
Well, Carson gets it in his head that he has to go through all of his ipads (use till battery dies) and then while they are charging, he should be able to use Bill's and my ipad.  We don't think that it is necessary.  So we have put passwords on them to lock him out and not let him use them. 
This afternoon, Reed and I downloaded he book he wanted on his ipad and Carson saw Reed get his new (Bills old) ipad.  He has gone into full meltdown.  He has screamed no in a high pitch voice for over an hour, he has run the length of the house multiple times throwing himself on to the floor or his bed.  If you can imagine a 6ft plus 150 plus pound boy doing this, it sounds and feels like the house is crashing down. 

It is so hard to know why he is so upset - you can not reason with him.  2 of his 3 ipads are 100% charged - he doesn't need the one Reed has. 

What I wouldn't give to be able to turn it off in his head and calm him down and make him understand. 

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