Thursday, April 19, 2018

What any parent would do

More times then I can count, people say to me “You’re amazing”,  “I don’t know how you do it”... 
From the moment I found out I was pregnant, I became a Mom. I was pregnant 3 times. My first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage, and that baby was just as much my child as Carson and Reed are. 
When I become a parent, something inside me changed, it was no longer just me that I had to think about, I was responsible for another human and there was nothing I wouldn’t do for my child. 

When I was 6 months old, ans my mom was pregnant for my brother, my father walked away from us. Never to look back. We never saw him, we never met him, he never supported us, he wasn’t there for us. How does a parent do that? I can’t imagine walking away from my child. 

When I was pregnant for the baby I lost and I started bleeding, the doctor said to go home and rest. I did just what the doctor said to do. I would do anything to protect our baby and help the baby.  Unfortunately, God decided that he needed that baby with him more. 

From the moment I held Carson in my arms, I knew I would do anything for him. Drive at all hours to get him to sleep, put another bed in our room so we could all sleep comfortably, buy him every green shirt I could find, just so he could have a shirt on that comforted him, put double key dead bolts on our doors, so he couldn’t get out, put a 6ft high chain link fence around our house to keep him safe, get help when we needed it, put padlocks on our fridge, on our cupboards.... just do what needs to be done, not what needs to be done for me, for him first. 

When Reed broke his leg at 2 1/2 years old, I rode with him in the back of the ambulance to Bradford, I am not sure who was more scared, but I wouldn’t let him see it, I held it together for him. 

So I don’t see myself as amazing or anything more then just a MOM. I love all my kids unconditionally from the first moment they made me their Mom, and I will be there for them till my last breath! 
Being a Mom is amazing and I am so blessed to be able to be their Mom. 

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