Saturday, April 14, 2018


Carson is not the only one that gets frustrated around the house. We all do. His oddities, his ways, his methods to his madness, his patterns... all things that make him tick the way he does, and we all love him unconditionally, we all still get frustrated at times. 

Like this morning, I took the time to take all my clothes off the top of the dresser that my awesome husband washed, dryed and folded, to sort them so I could put them away. I walked away and got doing something else (which happens all the time, I start 20 things because my brain is going 500 directions) I walk back to my bedroom to find a great big pile of clothes in the middle of the bed, because my piles were in his way when he wanted to sit on the bed and watch his ipad. 

This is frustrating to me. Now I need to take the time again to refold and resort. 

This afternoon, Bill asked me to step out on the back porch to show me something. We stood out there for 20 minutes or so and I come back in the house to find the pizza box on the counter and Carson eating, when he shouldn’t be hungry. 

He doesn’t like chairs pushed under the table, which causes many stubbed toes for his clutsy Mom.  

He has to have his juice in a row in his order and heaven forbid you move it!

He will get a bottle of water and pour it into a glass to drink. But before he does that he has to pull the label off and lay it on the counter. I try and try to get him to put in garbage. 

We all have ipads, Bill and I have iphones. Carson thinks he has to use them in a certain order, and take ours, even if his battery is charged because he thinks he has to use them in his order.  When he plugs them in to charge, he will stand and watch it till it gets past a certain point. 

He will pour a cup of juice and fill it to the absolute top of the cup and then carry it across the room or down the steps into the family room and very rarely spills a drop. (I would have 1/2 the glass dumped). He has gotten frustrated with us getting frustrated at him about filling his cup so full that he will not get a drink unless we are out of sight. Which means he won’t eat till he has his drink. And in the mornings time is to precious to argue so I just leave the room. Oh, and if we pour him a glass and it isn’t to his specifications, he will get the juice back out and fill it up. 

For those that think we let him “get away” with too much don’t walk in our shoes everyday. We have learned to pick our battles. If it isn’t dangerous or hurting him, there is absolutely no point in fighting it. Having a 6ft tall 170 pound young man throwing himself on the floor, bed or chair is not worth it. 

Any parent has moments of frustration with their kids. If you don’t, your not doing your job right.  I just choose to go to another room to scream or cry, vent to a friend, go stand in a hot shower and take a deep breath and move on.  Because if you think about it, how does Carson deal with his frustration...he moves things, he does his things to calm him brain down. 

Don’t sweat the small stuff right??? 

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