Thursday, April 12, 2018


Autism Sign
Get upset by minor changes

Oh man, can minor changes cause an uproar in our house. Carson wants things to remain the way he wants and knows. Although I know he needs to learn to adapt to changes, there just are things that you don’t rock the boat. It just makes things run smoother and happier around here. 

For example:

Morning routine... he will get out of his bad and before he gets up and into the start of the day, he has to get in our bed. He will wait for Bill to get out of bed, and then he is usually in our bed within 15 minutes. And most of the time the stinker gets mad and will bounce around and grunt and groan until he gets the whole king size bed to himself.  When it is time for him to get up, I will tell him he needs to get dressed. He will come out, say Good morning, give hugs and then get dressed. After he eats and drinks his juice (that he seriously has to get every dang drop out of his glass) I ask him to get his shoes on and then closer to van coming he will put his coat on. 
Well a couple weeks ago I was distracted trying to finish an order in the morning. I forgot to ask him to put his shoes on. The van was pulling in so I said put your coat on. He came over put his coat on and I realized no shoes. Crap! So we put our shoes on, and he proceeds to go off stomping and groaning. He takes his coat off, throws it down. Picks it back up, puts it on and goes out the door. Thankfully the van driver understands things like this as there are 3 other special needs students on the van that could do same type of thing.  Moral to story, don’t get distracted and do things in his order. 🤪
Another example:
This evening when it was time for bed. Bill always says tell Mommy goodnight. Tonight Bill said tell Mom good night. Carson said back, tell mommy goodnight. They went back and forth a couple times and Carson would not come tell me goodnight until Bill said, tell Mommy goodnight. 
I have told before about other changes he doesn’t want anything to do with, like moving his juice out of his order, moving where his ipad sits, his cups in the bathtub so he can pour water in and out, the little kids taking his soft blankets (they all are his even though Santa left 4 of them under the tree this year), don’t put pillow cases on the pillow, don’t use the light in the bathroom over the vanity (only turn the exhaust fan and light on)
Change is good- but in this house, change does not work 98% of the time. 

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