Sunday, April 15, 2018

Birth Day

It is kinda funny, I woke up around 4:30 and had to pee...17 years ago today, I woke up and thought I had to pee, but my water broke.  I wasn’t due for another 3 1/2 weeks.  I woke Bill up and said my water just broke, he jumped up out of bed running around in a panic, can I jump in the shower quick? Yes dear, jump in the shower quick. I wasn’t even having contractions, and we live 5 minutes from the hospital.  He showered and We made our calls to the doctor and our parents, and we went to the hospital. 
Like I said, I wasn’t having contractions, so Dr. Backus gave me petocin and said I will be back. I had said that I didn’t want anyone in the delivery room except Bill. But I was scared and hurting. Bill and I agreed on a neutral party to come in with us, so we called our friend Kristi. She came right up and helped relieve some of our fears and calm our nerves. We laughed, we cried.  I wasn’t able to get an epidural because the doctor was tied up with an emergency, so I did it all natural.  It seemed like forever, but really not a long labor, at 2:17 PM our beautiful baby boy arrived.  Carson James Powers was born at 6 lbs 13oz. And we were in love... we became parents.  We knew right there in then that we would do anything and everything for him, always there for him no matter what.  
Little did we know what our lives would intail, but as the words of my favorite song goes. He was perfectly, wonderfully, beautifully meant to be. 

Happy 17th Birthday, Carson James! 

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