Tuesday, October 9, 2018
Frustrating times
Saturday, April 28, 2018
There was a time that he didn't want touched, and he didn't give hugs. Some with Autism are very sensitive to touch, so they don't hug. There was a time where Carson would just come up to you and barely touch you in an attempt to give a hug -- then one day he started hugging. And it isn't just any hug -most of the time he will wrap his arms around you and squeeze. And he wants you to squeeze back.
Good Morning hugs - When he wakes up every morning - he gives us a hug with a Good Morning - How are you? Pretty awesome way to start your day if you ask me.
Good night hugs - part of his night time routine is to give Mommy, then Reed, then Daddy a good night hug, and kiss. And if you are lucky enough to be here at bedtime, you will get one of them as well.
Welcome to my home hugs - If you come to our house, Carson will greet you with a hug. He likes to say welcome to every person that comes in. Friends, family, customers all get hugs. Amy, my mail lady, Mark the UPS driver and the Fed Ex driver even get them and like getting them. They are a little bummed after summer vacation is over and they don't get them every time they stop. LOL
Your home hugs - Daddy gets home from work - Reed gets home from school, Mommy comes home from being gone - you get a hug.
I love you hugs - Carson sees Bill and I give each other a hug, he will come over and get in on the hug for a big group squeeze hug.
Feel better hugs - when you don't feel good - he knows - and he will come up and hug you.
Out of the blue hugs - the random out of the blue hugs are awesome - just out of no where he come up to you and gives you a hug.
He is our official hug dealer. And we love each and every one of them.
Saturday, April 21, 2018
Carson has 3 ipads (an old one that he won't part with), his new one and one that was supposed to go to Reed, but Carson took over. Reed never complained. But he had recently asked to have it back, but didn't want to upset Carson. Reed wants to be able to download books to read. We had an upgrade available, so we used it and Bill got a new one, and Reed could have Bill's old one.
Well, Carson gets it in his head that he has to go through all of his ipads (use till battery dies) and then while they are charging, he should be able to use Bill's and my ipad. We don't think that it is necessary. So we have put passwords on them to lock him out and not let him use them.
This afternoon, Reed and I downloaded he book he wanted on his ipad and Carson saw Reed get his new (Bills old) ipad. He has gone into full meltdown. He has screamed no in a high pitch voice for over an hour, he has run the length of the house multiple times throwing himself on to the floor or his bed. If you can imagine a 6ft plus 150 plus pound boy doing this, it sounds and feels like the house is crashing down.
It is so hard to know why he is so upset - you can not reason with him. 2 of his 3 ipads are 100% charged - he doesn't need the one Reed has.
What I wouldn't give to be able to turn it off in his head and calm him down and make him understand.
Friday, April 20, 2018
Thursday, April 19, 2018
What any parent would do
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
The Bright Side
So today, like pretty much every other day, there was a frustrating moment. Carson got his afternoon snack (leftover birthday cake) and took it back to our bedroom to eat it. On our bed! So cake crumbs everywhere. Making the bed was not on my to do list tonight. But the brightside is, tonight I will crawl into a bed with clean sheets.
Sunday, April 15, 2018
Birth Day
Saturday, April 14, 2018
This is frustrating to me. Now I need to take the time again to refold and resort.
Friday, April 13, 2018
What ifs
As Carson’s birthday draws closer, I find myself thinking, crying, wishing, remembering, questioning....
Thursday, April 12, 2018
Autism Sign
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Stuck on repeat
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Sibling Love
What I think of autism, I think autism is something everyone should experience in one way or another. It doesn’t have to be a sibling or even a family friend but you should try for a week to help an autistic person and see how hard but rewarding it can be in the end.
Now I will talk about the questions people have asked me to answer.
What do you see when you look at Carson? I see a brother that I wish I could be closer to and experience what other siblings do but I know there are people out there with no siblings at all or even parents with only an autistic kid so I know I am still lucky for what I have and i don’t take it for granted for a second.
What is your favorite thing to do with him? I know it might sound selfish but I really don’t do much with him I have a few things I do with him but not really on a regular basis.
What bothers you most? What bothers me the most is the constant repeating that he seems to do now it is fairly annoying and it is hard to get him to stop sometimes.
What amazes you about him? What amazes me is how well he can remember what he does, he can remember everything that Steve on Blues Clues says and it is crazy to me seeing how my dad has trouble remembering what he had for breakfast.
What do you think he will do when he is done with school? It may be sad or even mean to say but I think he will do the same things he does now, which is watch videos on his IPad and go through his routines but I think he will be happier when he is out of school just like every other kid on earth.
Monday, April 9, 2018
Plot Twist
A friend shared a video with me the other day where the woman talked about when things don’t go the way you planned, its ok. Its a plot twist.
Monday, April 2, 2018
Little things to some BIG to us
When you have an Autistic child and a typical child in your home, there are many things that are non typical.
Sunday, April 1, 2018
Hearing the words, your son has Autism, is hard to descibe. As hard as it was to hear, the best and only thing we could do was do everything we possibly could for Carson. When I hear of parents that deny what a doctor or professional says just because they don’t want their child to be labeled or admit that there is something is wrong with their child it infuriates me. The child is the one that suffers and gets hurt. When you become a parent the first thing you do is love your child unconditionally and do anything and everything for them. Before you! At least that’s what we do.
Saturday, March 31, 2018
April is Autism Awareness Month
Tomorrow is April 1st and it is a month for raising Autism Awareness. Of course in our home it is every day, every month, every year.