Friday, April 14, 2017

A lot of help along the way

We would not be in the position that we are with Carson with out help along the way. 
They say they earlier you get diagnosis and start interventions the better it is for your child. And I whole heartedly agree. The longer you wait is just time  that your child regresses into his/her world and harder to pull them out. 
Carson started out at IU9 pre-school. Then there was a year of preschool that Reed went as well to give him someone at school to interact with and learn together. 
We had TSS (Therapudic Support Specialists) that worked with him at preschool, daycare and home. We had some that he didn't click with and then there was some he did. The ones he clicked with, he formed a very tight bond with. As did we. The state or powers that be, were strict that TSS were not to become emotionally attached to the family. Strictly a professional relationship. A rule or regulation that I strongly disagreed with. One of the reasons we chose to stop using the service. I couldn't support something I didn't believe in. I feel that the people that care for their clients are the ones that you want in your life. Not ones that only want to a collect a pay check. Because the one that benefits is the child, and isn't that the whole purpose of having a TSS??  When you have someone that takes time to figure out what your childs likes and dislikes are? Their strengths and weaknesses.  We still interact and are close to those TSS's that cared about him and our family. They join us in all our milestones and setbacks with whatever we need. Those are now and forever part of our family. Whether they like it or not, they are stuck with us forever. LOL 
We have also been blessed with some amazing teachers and aides over the years. More added members to out family. 
When your child is diagnosed, you need people in your life that want to be there and care about your child. I know if  any of the aides, teachers or TSS's are reading this, you know who you are. We all love you and are so thankful that you have done and continue to do to help Carson succeed. 

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