Sunday, April 9, 2017

It takes a village

I have read that there is a high percentage of divorce when you have a child with special needs. I can certainly attest that stress levels are high and patience is thin at times.
I honestly do not know how single parents do it on their own, even if your child doesn't have special needs. When Bill travels for work and I am home alone it is super stressful. Throwing Carson out of his normal routine makes it tough on just one of us. Because you are trying to take care of his needs on top of the house things that need done, meals, baths etc.
Having a child with Autism, you give up things like alone time or dates. Finding babysitters is challenging. Finding someone that is responsible to care for your child and or wants the added things you need to do for an Autistic child. We only have a handful of people that we can leave him with, we are so thankful to have them too. They help us try to get away to have some time together. Even if it is just to go to get groceries with no kids. And Bill and I support each other by encouraging the other to go spend time with our friends. 
5 years ago we were struggling to find babysitter for when there was no school or sick kids. So we made the decision that I was going to quit my job and stay home. By doing it, we took a financial hit which I try to compinsate by babysitting and doing my crafts. It makes for some long days and putting in lots of hours, but it was the right decison for our family. Carson is happy to have mom home. He has blossomed even more since the change to stay home. I think it is just something that he finds comfort in, that I am home when he is done with school. I do love what I do too, so we all win. I miss the adult interaction though.
Staying home wouldn't be an option if I didn't have Bills support. Communication, love and support help us both. Keys to a happy marriage with or without a child with special needs. ❤️

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