Sunday, April 16, 2017

Easter Miracle

I have told the story many times, but I will share again.
As many of you know, I grew up with out my biological dad in my life. He left when I was 6 months old and I never saw him again. My Uncle Bob didn't have to, but he stepped up to the plate and did everything for me that a father should do. He was the man I looked up to, my protector, my comforter and my friend. When he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's, I was devastated. It robs of so many things. Memories, from yesterday and today. One of the things that upset me is, I was so scared he wouldn't be able to give me away when I got married. But he did. Just like every little girls dreams coming true, he put on a tuxedo and proudly walked me down the isle to marry a man that has so many similarities as the man I thought of like my Dad. (They say you marry a man who is like your Dad, and I think I did just that)
There are so many similarities with Alzheimer's and Autism. We were seeing so many things that were like the same with Carson and Uncle Bob. 
One Easter Morning, the day after my Uncle had a bad meltdown, we were all gathered around at my Grandparents home. Uncle Bob sat on the couch sitting there at what looked like his own world. We just  stayed close so he always knew we were there, but gave him his space. Which is the same thing we do for Carson when he is or has had a meltdown. 
As were were sitting there that morning, all of a sudden, Carson went over and sat down beside Uncle Bob. First reaction was NO. But almost instantly we knew to leave them alone. We all watched in awe as the two of them shared something so special and miraculous that it is hard to put in words. They had a conversation. Even though very few words that we could understand were shared. They comforted each other. My son and my Dad were bonding. And it was something I was sure would never happen. But it did. Uncle Bob was tickling him gently, just like he would do to me as a little girl. They were smiling, bonding and loving each other. And just when we thought it was over, it got even better then I ever thought I could imagine. Carson climbed up on Uncle Bob's lap and they hugged each other. Carson got to feel the greatest feeling ever - an Uncle Bob hug. And Uncle Bob got to feel a hug from the greatest hug dealer around. Carson James. There wasn't a dry eye in the house. 
I hadn't really thought about it till know, but maybe that was the moment that changed Carson to becoming the great hug dealer. How awesome would that be if that was it?? Our Easter Miracle. 
Happy Easter to all my family and friends. 

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