Wednesday, April 26, 2017

This kid

I feel like I repeat myself, a lot.  Sorry folks.

Just because Carson can't talk, doesn't mean he doesn't understand what you are saying to him or around him.

This morning, when trying to get the boys up for school, I said, Carson, it is time to get up 3 or 4 times.  (Typical teenage response right) but every time I said it, he didn't move.  Then I went in and said Carson we need to get moving.  So, he moved his feet and buried himself further under the covers.  LOL - he did what I asked.  He moved!  Smarty pants!!

Last weekend, I jumped in the shower and Bill was working in the yard.  Carson unlocked the front door and went out on the porch.  Which is okay, but the last person that went out, didn't close the gate.  A friend came down off the hill and noticed Carson on the porch and the gate was open.  She called me to let me know.  I was just getting out of the shower when she called.  Carson came in to use the bathroom while I was talking.  I said to her, I will get the gate closed.  Hung up and hollered to Reed and asked him to go close the gate.  He went right out and said, Mom, it is closed.  I asked Bill if he did it. He said No.  Well, I think we know who did it.  Carson closed the gate.

Just like his birthday, he got $10 from 1 Aunt, and $10 from another Aunt.  I said how much money do you have Carson.  Immediately responded, $20.  If we lay change on the counter or dresser, he will bring it to us.  And when he hands it to us, he will tell you exactly how much money is there.

If he hides something (like the keys to the lock on the fridge or the cabinet so we can't lock them, because smarty will close the lock, so you need the keys to lock the cabinet) - or when one of my little ones will bring a DVD to watch, if he sees it he will take it.  Because you know ever DVD brought it this house, belongs to Carson.  LOL  But I can ask him a couple hours later or even the next day, where he put something, and he will tell you where it is, or go get it.
When he spills a liquid, and we find the mess but he puts the evidence back, we say Carson what did you spill, he will go get the container that is put back in the proper location.

More times then I can remember, he does things that surprise us. No one should ever say a person with Autism is dumb, (and if I ever hear someone say it, I will be sure to point out who the dumb one is) Autistic people are some of the smartest people that we can have the privilege of knowing.  Give them a chance, they will amaze you.  I know one that continues to amaze me.

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