Saturday, April 8, 2017

Makes you go hmmmm

 In our home, even with a boy that likes routine and things done a certain way, he also is full of surprises. He does things out of the blue, that can make you smile, giggle, scratch your head, scream or cry.
Yesterday, I walked up into the kitchen to find him giggling and running away from the island. And this is what I found on the island. A knawed on stick of pepperoni. He was proud. I giggled, but was also surprised. Because this is the same kid that if we order a pepperoni pizza he will pick the pepperoni off and not eat it. Last week I got a text from Carson's aide telling me that one of his classmates shared pizza and that Carson was eating the pepperoni. 

There was the time that I walked in the bathroom to find a mixture of hand lotion and baby powder covering the bathtub and floor. He thought it was funny. I on the other hand did not. 
Then there was the time that Bill was sitting in the living room visiting with family and Carson came running down the steps walked over to Bill and licked his cheek and ran off.  Of course we all busted out laughing. 
Can never forget our "Easter Miracle" when he and my Uncle who was suffering from Alzheimers, had a special bonding moment. He sat down beside my Uncle, and the two of them had a conversation only the 2 of them understood. My uncle who loved to tickle me when I was growing up, tickled Carson. And then when we thought the moment was over, he crawled up on my Uncles lap and they hugged each other. There was not a dry eye in the house. 
Or the time our Aunt was visiting who was going through chemo treatment so she had a knit hat on. He had checked the hat out for a while and decided that it had been on long enough, so he ran over and quickly took her hat off and threw it down. We were a little shocked that he did it, but we all laughed. It was one of those things that just didn't look right to him. 
One night I went back the bedroom to find our entire bed covered with dvds and cds. Lined up in perfect rows, filling out king size bed and what didn't fit where on tv trays. 
One summer he had a laundry basket of assorted shirts and clothes. Every day he would lay them out in the yard in a pattern he had in his head. He weaved it around things in his way. But it had to be a certain way, and he knew what that way was. We tried to hang a clothes line for him and that worked for a couple weeks, but he liked laying it on the ground his way.
There was the time that we walked into his room to find him drawing on his white board in his room. It was covered in "clues" from Blues Clues. Each one drawn the way that he saw Joe or Steve draw on the cartoon. His photographic memory is absolutely amazing.
Getting ready for bed, he walks over to the window and says "lets look at the stars"
Starting singing a Christmas song in June
Picking up his keyboard or his guitar and singing a song.
I could go on and on about little things that have been moments in time that have made up our life. This kid amazes us so much everyday and truly makes us go hmmmm. 

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