Friday, April 21, 2017

My friend Mr. Stress

Having a child with Autism there are so many things that cause stress in your life. How you deal with the stress can either make or break you.

When your child is diagnosed, you worry about everything... what do you do for him, how is he going to do in daycare, school, life... 
Thankfully when he was firsf diagnosed, the day care we had him at, I had family that worked there. He was accepted with open arms. They were new to Autism as well, but they learned right along with us. Since both of us worked full time at that time, that helped with the stress. Knowing he was being well taken care of makes  a huge difference. 
When I lost my job at Adelphia, I started working at the Hardware/Convenience Store that was less then one mile from my house. I had a boss that again didn't know much about Autism, but she wanted to learn, cared about him and our family and that helped me with the stress. Having support and backup is a huge stress relief. When it was time for summer vacation and it didn't make sense for me to work and pay for someone to watch them at home because I was basically working to pay a babysitter, not pay bills, she understood. Then as soon as summer vacation was over, she asked me to come back. 
We had some great people that helped us with watching the boys on breaks, but as Carson got older, it was harder and harder to find someone to watch him.  Watching a kid with Autism can be challenging and hard for a teenager to understand. 
So 5 years ago, when I had to have surgery which was going to cause me to be off work for a while and summer vacation was coming, we made the difficult decision for me to quit a job that I loved, to stay home. Eventually I started babysitting in my home, but it was another financial hit. Which was another stress. But again, having support of family and friends helped with that. My boss/friend has asked me to help out at the store on weekends or when I didn't have kids. Which gave me some extra money to help but also gets me out of the house and adult interaction. By helping at the store once in a while, I get to relieve some stress and help friends.  Deciding to stay home is definitely the right decision for our family. Carson blossomed after a while of me being home. I think he knows that I am home and he likes that. Even though he is at school, he knows what he is going to come home too.
Bills might be late, my car is over 12 years old, we don't go on vacations, but we have more then money can buy - we have a happy child, a roof over our heads and food on our table.  Everything else doesn't matter.  People say, why don't you go back to work.  Wouldn't that help your financial stress??  No, it wouldn't.  I would have to worry about what to do with the boys if they were sick, or there is no school, we would have to buy another vehicle to get us both back and forth to work, the worry stress of Carson not being happy.  Doing what I do, is less stress for me.  
A couple of years ago I started my side business of crafts, and now expanded to apparel. Believe it or not the business is a stress reliever for me. Yes, it makes me busy, but I really enjoy it. Yes, it might take me longer to do something then others because of our family dynamics, but for the most part customers understand and are willing to wait for a product that I am proud of.  I take great pride in my work.
I am lucky to have a husband that supports and loves me too.  He helps me in so many ways.  Whether it be helping me with my business, playing with the little kids (who think that he hangs the moon), or encouraging me to have girl time.  I try to get out once a month or so when we can I get a way with a friend, to go to dinner, a movie, shopping or maybe a paint night.  Getting away for a couple hours is a big stress reliever.
I have family and good friends, that see when I need a break, they help in so many different ways.  Could be a card saying hello, flowers just because, encouraging words, dinner with friends, stopping in for a visit or hugs, texts and phone calls.  Family and friends are big stress relievers.

Thank you - all of you that are reading my posts, it means so much to me.  

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