Saturday, April 29, 2017

Every day...week...month...year

The past couple days, I haven't shared much. I was under the weather, and I couldn't make my brain work to come up with something to share. 
I was laying here on the couch last night and I was feeling pretty crappy. Upset that I just couldn't get feeling better. I have too much stuff to do, to feel so crappy. And down comes this tall handsome young man, out of the blue, with no prompts, to do what...give me a hug and a kiss. He was just what the doctor ordered. My prefect medicine. Just one more of many amazing pieces of Carson. I love this kid so much. 
I would not trade this kid for anything, but I still feel like this kid deserves a happy, normal life. But then I know, he does have a happy life. And we try to make it as normal as we can for him. We just adjust our sails for him, for our family. I know the reason will be told to me someday. And I will understand. 

Yes, April is Autism Awareness Month. But in our house, it is everyday. Every week, every month, every year. 
The purpose of my blog is to share insite into our Autism life and spread Autism Awareness, and I want to try to continue to share our lifes highs, lows, milestones and set backs. So maybe you won't see me on here everyday, but you will be seeing my posts more then one month out of the year. 

Stay tuned...

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