Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Outside the comfort zone

I recently read an article explaining that pushing children with Autism out of their comfort zone was beneficial and necessary. I agree completely. 
To some it might seem that we let our lives revolve around Carson's wants and needs. And I guess it does. But there are things that we need to do that he might not like, but we gently presuade him to do it or try it. The first few times might be met with protest and outbursts but other times he might just blossom. 
A few weeks ago we went to Olean to get Reed sneakers for track. We went to the mall for something and decided to walk around. Reed wanted to go into the arcade so we did. We stood and watched for a few minutes, and then I decided I was going to get Carson some tokens and let him try. I am so glad I did. Because he loved it. He had big smiles and even some giggles. He threw basketballs and tried to make baskets, he hit ducks with a hammer, and I even got him to sit down at a car simulator and race. He was giggling. 
When we left there, Bill said that he was so glad I thought of that and tried it. And we need to do it again.
Another thing that we do to push him out of his comfort zone is when we go out of town. When we go, we always make sure we pick a hotel that has an indoor pool. He loves to swim. But he always will say go home now, when he is done. But with some talking and comforting, he settles down and enjoys his time. 
Sometimes it is pushing Mom and Dad out of their comfort zone too. We always worry about going to visit someone and what if Carson has a meltdown. What do they think? Are they going to want us to come back? We used to worry about spending the night at someones house and him having an accident in their bed or on their furniture. And it hasn't happened, but family and friends have assured us that they don't care if it did happen. They love Carson and they want him to come visit too. But it is hard to push ourselves out of our comfort zone. We worry. We don't want to inconvenience others. 
Gently pushing Carson out of his comfort zone is beneficial and necessary for him and his family. 

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