Saturday, April 22, 2017

Make It Count

Today, I am dedicating my post to an amazing girl, who was taken from this world way too soon.  She left us 1 year ago today.  She was a family friend.  Her smile is missed by so many.  After she was diagnosed with a terminal disease, her motto became "Make It Count"

What are ways that you can Make It Count??

When the opportunity presents itself, engage with a special needs child.  Something as simple as a smile, a hello, a hand shake, a high 5 or even a hug.  It can mean the world to the child, and it might just make you walk away with wonderful feeling inside you.

If you have a friend or family member with a special needs child, don't forget them.  Reach out to them in a way that might make their day a little brighter.  Like I said yesterday, little things like texts, phone calls, cards, etc, mean more then you might ever know.  Even if they don't show it or say it, you might just be what they needed that day.

Spend time with your family and friends.  Tell them that you love them. Don't get too busy and forget about the most important people in your life.  Because you never know, tomorrow may be too late.

Autism is not a life threatening disease, it is a life altering disease.  No it is not an easy life - but nothing in life is easy.

But you can do everything possible to Make It Count - everyday!!

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