Saturday, April 8, 2017


I will never be ashamed or embarrassed of my son to take him out in public. If someone that is uneducated, rude or disrespectful I would like to think I could speak up and stand up to them. That is not the reason we choose our outings carefully. We do that for Carson, and only for Carson.
As I said yesterday, Carson and others with Autism are high sensitivities, and since he can't tell us what is bothering him in any other way to have a meltdown we  try to think about where and what we do. 
Last summer we went into a local store and Carson got upset and threw himself on the floor. We really don't know what triggered it. And I admit that it upset me. I was in tears. It upset me to see him do that. I apologized to the owner. She assured me that I needed to not think about it one more second. It was ok and that our entire family, including Carson was always welcome in their store. 
When it is time to get sneakers for Carson we like to go to the same store everytime. A few years ago we went there and the manager helped us get the right size shoes for Carson. She has always been helpful and always greets us with a smile and is patient and caring with Carson. We went up a few weeks ago to get Reed school shoes and she was there. She said hi and Carson immediately have her a hug. She loved it of course and was in aww at how tall he has gotten. 
After the shoe shopping we knew that taking Carson to get groceries was pushing the limits. So Bill sat in the car with the boys while I went in and did the grocery shopping. Which is just another thing that we adjust to make it smoother for Carson. It isn't fun having to do it that way. I don't like shopping by myself. I enjoy shopping with my husband (I know I am crazy)  but it gives time to discuss supper ideas, or have someone else say oh yeah, this is low or gone. 
Going out of town causes other stresses. We worry about staying at someones house, what if tonight is the first night in months that he wets the bed, what if tonight is the night he jabbers all many things that we just never know what is going to trigger a meltdown. So we just chose to pick our battles, again adjusting our sails and move forward.

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