Saturday, April 15, 2017

Birthday Boy

It was Easter Sunday. I thought we were going to have dinner with family, but someone else had other ideas...16 years ago at this time, I was at the hospital. My water broke about 5:30 in the morning. 3 1/2 weeks earlier then my due date. I wasn't having contractions so I was given Potocin to get things moving. OOUCH! 
We chose not to find out what we were having, boy or girl, we didn't care. We just wanted a healthy baby to love and watch grow. At 2:17 in the afternoon, our 6 lb 13 oz baby boy was here. We were over the moon. He was perfect. We have our healthy baby. 
Every year we have cake. We had Stanley, The Wiggles, Blues Clues, Colors & Shapes, one year we even had a cake with a picture of his Magna Doodle and his famous turtle and cow drawings to name a few. Even the years he didn't like cake, or people at times, we still had cake and family around to celebrate. Now he loves his yellow cake and icing. He smiles big with candles and singing. 
Celebrating his birthday is a big deal. Celebrating the day our lives changed forever.  Thanking God for being able to celebrate him being here with us. You see I have too many family and friends that don't get this opportunity. Whether their baby was too perfect for earth, or taken from them too soon, I will never understand why. My heart aches for those parents that don't get to have cake and sing Happy Birthday to their child. I don't understand why Carson was given Autism, and given the life of struggles and hardships. But he has a life. We have many ups and downs, but we have a life to celebrate. 
So today surrounded by family and friends we will have dinner, cake, ice cream and presents to celebrate our boy. Happy Birthday, Carson James. We love you and hope this is your best year yet! 

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